
Whether I need to promote an event, complete an assignment, or simply want to explore a new technique or idea, my first instinct is often to create a poster. I also love to push the format itself, exploring new printing techniques, aspect ratios, and experimenting with cutouts and multimedia posters. I think these examples represent a broad range of my visual and graphic ideas.

"First Words" (2022)

I am interested in the interaction between words and images, and with this poster I chose to write a short poem first, then see what forms came from it. I wanted to use a more automatic approach to writing, and so I collected books and publications from around my room and, using the first several words from each, arranged a poem about the transience of childhood recollections. I used film photos I had taken, and cut out large sections of the paper in order to arrive at an experimental form which engaged negative space in service of narrative.

"Twilight/Midnight" (2022)

With this poster, I wanted to experiment with using 3D modeling and rendering in a 2D format. I used PolyCam to create the model shown on top, and I loved the glitchy and disjointed representation of my living space. Then, using Blender, I created a model of my room and the objects in it which was meant to contrast the scan above it—free from glitches and overly neat. More renders of this model can be seen in the slideshow above. These two representations felt like my room during different times and moods, and together with the poem I wrote, this poster explores ideas of space-time division and the expressions worn by our spaces.

"Waning Crescent" (2022)

This poster was based around the letterform C, and I chose to represent the C as a crescent moon on top of a stippled, darkened moon. This in turn inspired an uppercase font that I used for the rest of the poster, and which is included in the slideshow above.

"Ocean/Cloud" (2022)

This poster was a response to an assignment to create a design that was 120x16 inches. I used this extreme format to address the topic of undersea fiber optic cables, our reliance upon hidden infrastructure, and the exploitation of natural resources in service of this infrastructure. I also created 3D printed handles so that the poster could function as a scroll. Navigate through the slideshow above to see a video of the print, as well as details of the poster itself.