8 Above Logo & Animation

During a summer internship at 8 Above, the production company founded by acclaimed documentary filmmaker Jon Reiss, I worked to create a new visual identity for the company. I wanted to explore designs that could be translated easily from static to animated, and be used across a wide variety of media. Click below to see how the project evolved.

Gupta Media — Capabilities Deck

As a design intern at Boston-based marketing and creative agency Gupta Media, I was tasked with overhauling the capabilities deck, which is often sent to prospective clients. The motion graphics and streamlined color palettes that I developed are now being used company-wide in a variety of different presentations.

The Indy

As design editor for Providence's only alt-weekly, I led creation of a cohesive aesthetic language for the newspaper. This included font curation, template creation for different sections, compiling and finalizing the full paper, and editing all the layout work done by a team of 12 designers.


Whether I need to promote an event, complete an assignment, or simply want to explore a new technique or idea, my first instinct is often to create a poster. I also love to push the format itself, and I think these examples represent a broad range of my visual and graphic ideas.

The Communicator

As editor-in-chief of Ann Arbor's nationally awarded scholastic magazine, I led staff to create a visually striking paper. I worked to curate visual elements, train staff, write articles, and edit writing and design. Under my heading, The Communicator won 2nd place nationally in print.